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New Faculty Index
A robust list of potential onboarding and professional development topics, competencies, and outcomes for new faculty.
Notes on Probability
These notes were prepared and used in a second course in Probability, Random Variables, and Statistics. It includes sections on Set Theory, Functions, Combinatorics, Probability Basics, Discrete and Continuous Random Variables and their Distributions. It also includes three appendices on a More Advanced Approach to Probability, Exponential Distribution, and Chi-Squared Distribution.
OER - OpenStax Biology 2e, Principles of Biology I, Full Course, Complete D2L Shell
This an open-access course build distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC). This D2L Brightspace Package Shell is built as a complete course using the OpenStax Biology 2e textbook available at All content is open-source and credited. Much of the content was built using D2L features that allow for accessibility and universal design. This shell can be used for live or online teaching formats. You can use this shell as an import resource for a current shell or you can use it 'as is' after adding your own course specific information. To get started, download the zip package, import into D2L using Course Admin tools, and go to Materials > Content > Overview to get started.
For questions, suggestions, update requests on this shell, or if you'd like to tell me if this was useful to you please contact: