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Accessibility Essentials 2023
This resource provides a sample presentation for a faculty development opportunity on digital accessibility. Presentation includes: a definition of accessibility, connections to Equity 2030, and a checklist of essential practices for accessible email, Word, Power Point, video, as well as resources for further learning.
Accreditation Resources Draft
Collection of links to additional resources. Grouped by theme/topic including: Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Basics, Accreditation in Minnesota State, Program Assessment, Preparing for site visits.
Active Calculus module in MyOpenMath
This is a MyOpenMath (electronic homework system at module aligned with the Active Calculus OER textbook (just for Calculus I). Within the MyOpenMath platform, it contains links to videos and questions on those videos, electronic homework problems, and some activities from the text. It utilizes the iMathAS system and can only be accessed within MyOpenMath. A database of questions used in this module can also be found in MyOpenMath for users simply wanting to build their own course aligned with the OER.
African Religions
Module contains videos, readings, slides, and activities pertaining to African religions.
The module was made under the Global Circle project at South Central College