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OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Power Point Files
Resource Contact
Gucinski, Mark
St. Cloud Technical & Community College
Content Description
This zipped folder contains 28 Power Point files that correspond to each of the chapters in the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology textbook. These are meant to provide a starting point for presentation files related to an Anatomy and Physiology course. The design should be easily modified using the “design” tab in Microsoft Power Point. The end user should be able to quickly choose a template/color scheme that works for them. Additionally, the end user may want to add or remove text from each power point slide. This can easily be accomplished by simply editing the document. Most of the images used in the creation of these Power Points are taken directly from the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology textbook. Supplemental images pulled from elsewhere include a small textbox with a link to the original work and the CC license terms.
Life Science
anatomy power point, , , ,
Course Name
Anatomy and Physiology
Resource Type
Resource Format
License Type
Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Version Edition